Rudolph Tegner Museet

The Sun Girl

Tegner's statue "The Sun Girl" a permanent tribute to the light, kept company by the living
The Sun Girl Tegner's statue "The Sun Girl" a permanent tribute to the light, kept company by the living
Where transience meets permanence
Where transience meets permanence
The gate of life
The gate of life
Man and deity
Man and deity

The blurred dance of life meets the frozen dance of the past
Dancing The blurred dance of life meets the frozen dance of the past

Mummers are actors whith masks traveling about acting out short pantomimes
Mummery Mummers are actors whith masks traveling about acting out short pantomimes

Landscape Landskab
The mystery of love

Kærlighedens mysterium

Fumbling around Tegner’s sculpture “The Mystery of Love”
The mystery of love Kærlighedens mysterium Fumbling around Tegner’s sculpture “The Mystery of Love”
Oedipus and Iokaste

Tegner’s sculpture of King Oedipus joined by his mother and wife Queen Lokaste
Oedipus and Iokaste Tegner’s sculpture of King Oedipus joined by his mother and wife Queen Lokaste
Two statues
Two statues
The Sun Girl

Tegner's statue "The Sun Girl" a permanent tribute to the light, kept company by the living
The Sun Girl Tegner's statue "The Sun Girl" a permanent tribute to the light, kept company by the living


Rudolph Tegner (1873 – 1950) was a Danish sculptor and symbolist, who idealised the human body. My photos engage in a dialogue with Tegner’s symbolism by introducing the idealised body to the natural, imperfect body.

I was commissioned by the Danish Naturist Society to make a series of photographs at The Rudolph Tegner Museum.

Tegner’s sculptures depict the idealized body, in the same way that our present-day media depicts images of the contemporary idealised body.

The meeting between the natural, naked bodies in the museum, and Tegner’s sculptural bronze and plaster bodies is a meeting between fantasy and reality. Not unlike the artificial world of the manipulated pixels and everyday life.

No one is perfect, because perfect is a cultural construction. Or is everyone perfect, because perfect is a cultural construction? That’s the question! 


Rudolph Tegner Museet

Rudolph Tegner (1873 – 1950) var en dansk billedhugger. Museet og Statueparken i Nordsjælland indeholder en stor del af hans værker (

Museet åbnede deres døre for en fotosession, hvor jeg i samarbejde med foreningen Danske Naturister ( kunne arbejde med mødet mellem Tegners skulpturer og de levende nøgne modeller.

Tegner arbejdede meget med symboler i sine skulpturer. I billederne forsøger jeg at gå i dialog med Tegners skulpturer og deres symbolsprog.

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