Rudolph Tegner (1873 – 1950) was a Danish sculptor and symbolist, who idealised the human body. My photos engage in a dialogue with Tegner’s symbolism by introducing the idealised body to the natural, imperfect body.
I was commissioned by the Danish Naturist Society to make a series of photographs at The Rudolph Tegner Museum.
Tegner’s sculptures depict the idealized body, in the same way that our present-day media depicts images of the contemporary idealised body.
The meeting between the natural, naked bodies in the museum, and Tegner’s sculptural bronze and plaster bodies is a meeting between fantasy and reality. Not unlike the artificial world of the manipulated pixels and everyday life.
No one is perfect, because perfect is a cultural construction. Or is everyone perfect, because perfect is a cultural construction? That’s the question!
Rudolph Tegner Museet
Rudolph Tegner (1873 – 1950) var en dansk billedhugger. Museet og Statueparken i Nordsjælland indeholder en stor del af hans værker (http://www.rudolphtegner.dk).
Museet åbnede deres døre for en fotosession, hvor jeg i samarbejde med foreningen Danske Naturister (http://www.naturister.dk) kunne arbejde med mødet mellem Tegners skulpturer og de levende nøgne modeller.
Tegner arbejdede meget med symboler i sine skulpturer. I billederne forsøger jeg at gå i dialog med Tegners skulpturer og deres symbolsprog.