Vegetables with soul

Arctic potato seal with pups
Arctic potato seal with pups
Sea potatoes going ashore
Sea potatoes going ashore
Beetroots on the watch
Beetroots on the watch
The mating dance of the cucumbers
The mating dance of the cucumbers
Gingers in the broccolifield
Gingers in the broccolifield
Gingers in an inhospitable landscape
Gingers in an inhospitable landscape
Pears on the go
Pears on the go
Submarine vegetables
Submarine vegetables
Carrot astrey
Carrot astrey
The thinker
The thinker


Vegetables with soul
In this series of photos, I've had some very patient models. All of them vegetables immortalized in my studio, a long way from their natural habitat – shortly before they met the cruel hand of destiny in the photographers kitchen. None of these models are alive today.


Grøntsager med sjæl
I denne fotoserie har jeg haft nogle tålmodige modeller. Det er grøntsager foreviget udenfor deres naturlige habitat - kort før mødet med en grum skæbne i fotografens køkken. Ingen af disse modeller er i live i dag!

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