
Click on the menu bar at the top to see the folders with pictures 

Klik på menubjælken øverst for at se mapperne med fotos 

.. or Narrative images 2

here you will find photographs taken without trick effects, most of them taken with analogue technique ..

.. or meet old Dolls in new and strange surroundings

Choose e.g Narrative images 1

and you will find photographis where the stories are helped along by using tricks and illusions ..

.. or the Vanitas photographs, which are inspired by the 17th century vanitas paintings ..

.. or go expolring in the many More folders with a large selection of exciting images


EsbenFog Fotografi er et lille studie i centrum af Odense, som arbejder med utraditionelle billeder, hvor fantasien er i højsædet.

Jeg arbejder mest med nøgne mennesker.

Alle kan bruges som model (men alle kan selvfølgelig ikke bruges til alle billeder). Skriv og hør nærmere, hvis du måske er interesseret i at medvirke til nogle kreative billeder. Billederne bliver ikke offentliggjort, før du selv har set og godkendt dem.

Jeg fotograferer mest for kunstens skyld, men hvis du er interesseret i at få taget billeder til dig selv, er du velkommen til at henvende dig. Prisen afhænger af, hvormeget arbejde der er i billedet.

Se billederne på denne hjemmeside – måske er der noget, der inspirerer ... klik på menuen øverst på siden for at se de enkelte mapper med billeder. 


Visit the exhibition

I exhibit at the museum HAUS DER FOTOGRAFIE, Husum Germany.

22 October 2024 to 2 February 2025.


My book is available at:, Bog-Idé.dk, or at the bookstore:

Photographic short stories

- 30 years of photografphy

Forlag/Publisher: Historia

ISBN: 978-87-94284-59-2

Dansk titel:

Fotografiske fortællinger - fotografier gennem 30 år


Esben Fog Fotografi is a small photographic studio based in the centre of Odense.The photographic style is untraditional images, which can inspire the imagination and frustrate logical, lineal thinking.

My works feature mostly naked people.

I am always looking for models. You are welcome to contact me and hear more, if you are interested in being part of one of my photos. Any photos you are involved with will not be published until you have seen and approved them for yourself.

Anyone can be a model (although, not everyone can be used for every image). No experience necessary.

My photography is mostly for the sake of art. However, if you want some photos for your family album, feel free to contact me. The price will vary according to the scope of work.

See the pictures on this website. Perhaps something inspires ... click on the menu at the top of the page to see the individual folders with pictures. Click on an image to enlarge.


"Esben Fog's book is an inspiring read. It is a clear manifestation that photography is an art form in its own right and it is extraordinary in its many images and themes – a book that’s difficult to put down."

Lasse Højgaard in ”Kunstavisen” (The art newspaper)


I am part of the photographers' autumn exhibition

in ..


Skolevej 10,

5953 Tranekær.

open until 23 November



I look forward to hearing from you.